New Technologies
Bigger. Faster. Clearer.
John Deere's new G5 Universal Display allows you to bring your operation to the next level of efficiency through enhanced data merging functionalities, improved data capturing and much more. Tied with a StarFire™ 7000 Universal and Integrated Receiver, the G5 Universal display provides the power needed to perform all of John Deere’s Precision Ag features.
The Next-Best Thing to Being in the Cab
Simply put, JDLink™ is a connection between you and your machines. You can manage your operation in real-time without being in the cab. Or, take your operation to the next level of productivity and efficiency without leaving the office.
Contact us about ways to connect free of charge to JDLink™.
Operations Center
Farming Productivity at Your Fingertips
Operations Center lets you collect, access, analyze, and share data — anytime and anywhere — from your computer, tablet, or smartphone. You can route the right people to the right place to do the right job, and ensure they have the tools and fuel they need. You can even view your machines’ displays remotely. For even more comprehensive control, connect Operations Center with a broad range of compatible software solutions, such as the AgDNA app for Android and iOS.
A Straight Path to Your Bottom Line
Studies show that GPS-based guidance can reduce planting and fertilizing inputs by an average of 10%. Add automated section control (which turns planter sections and spray boom sections off and on automatically), and you’ll save 20% or more. Altogether, the AutoTrac™ precision guidance system can pay for itself in two years or fewer. Also ask about Papé Machinery’s RTK Network.
Variable-Rate Application
Don’t Leave Yield in the Field
As input costs continue to rise, minimizing passes through the field and reducing overlap is more important than ever. John Deere makes it easy to vary seed and fertilizer rates automatically based on field types and conditions, or to set up management zones to test rates or hybrids. This saves you time, fuel, and money, while improving yield.
Remote Management
Stay in Control from Anywhere
Keep real-time information easily at hand with John Deere’s remote support tools. Remote Display Access (available with JDLink™) lets you to view your operator’s screen to see how a machine is performing. With your permission, Service ADVISOR Remote allows Papé Machinery to retrieve diagnostic codes and maintenance data remotely, potentially saving a trip to the field. Now operator training, implement setup, and troubleshooting can all be accomplished more efficiently, thanks to John Deere and Papé.
Learn more about John Deere Precision Ag technology solutions, including JDLink™ machine monitoring software, John Deere Field Connect environmental sensor systems, John Deere Implement Detection, and more.
Technological Advantages
From remotely monitoring your crops to preventing unnecessary equipment downtime, John Deere Precision Ag gives you and your operation game-changing advantages where you need them. State-of-the-art agriculture technology and equipment provide a constant stream of useful crop and machine data, so you always know what is happening in the field.
Count on Papé Machinery to support you with industry-leading new and used agricultural equipment, flexible rental options, legendary service, innovative technology solutions, and more from our many convenient locations in Oregon, Washington, California, Idaho and Nevada. No matter your agriculture and turf needs throughout the West, Papé is here for you.