
Closing System

Cast iron closing system

Rubber tire closing system


Transport width (with markers) 6-Row Narrow: 4.9 m
16.83 ft
8-Rpw Narrow: 6.96 m
22.83 ft
Transport length 6-Row Narrow: 5.3 m
17.67 ft
8-Row Narrow: 5.3 m
Transport height 6-Row: Narrow: 3.35 m
11 ft
8-Row Narrow: 2.97 m
9.75 ft

Drive System

Base Contact drive tire


Dry fertilizer
Fertilizer opener type

Key Specs

Number of rows 6, 8, 11, or 15
Row spacing 6 Row: 70 cm
27.5 in.
6 Row: 76 cm
30 in.
8 Row: 76 cm
11 Row: 38 cm
15 in.
15 Row: 38 cm
Seed Meters Base
Vacuum, finger pickup, radial bean meter

Row unit seed hoppers Capacity
58 or 106 L
1.6 or 3 bu

Lift System

Type Wheel hydraulic cylinder


Type Automatic alternating or independent control
Marker disk

Row Units

Opener Tru-Vee Double Disk
Seed tube sensors
Scrapers, opener blades

Row unit seed hoppers Capacity
58 or 106 L
1.6 or 3 bu
Row unit down force

Type MaxEmerge™ 5 row units

Rows and Row Spacing

Number of rows 6, 8, 11, or 12
Row spacing 6 Row: 70 cm
27.5 in.
6 Row: 76 cm
30 in.
8 Row: 76 cm
11 Row: 38 cm
15 in.
15 Row: 38 cm

Seed Meters

Base Vacuum, finger pickup, radial bean meter
Central Commodity System


Base 16.5 x 16.1 - 14 PR Drive Wheel Tires
18 x 9.5 x 8 - 4 PR Transmission Drive Wheel Tires

Additional Information

Recommended tractor hydraulics Hydraulic oil required to operate platner: approximately 2.8 L
0.75 gal.
Tractor standby pressure: 15,514 kPa
155 bar (2,250 psi)
Hydraulic system working pressure: 20,684 kPa
207 bar (3,000 psi)
Hydraulic system burst pressure: 82,737 kPa
827 bar (12,000 psi)